The epitome of "great concept, baffling execution"
Mostly unsuccessful, but there's some really cool stuff here if you're willing to meet it halfway.
If you only watch one Scanner Cop movie I think it should be Scanner Cop 2 by a country mile
I happened to go in blind, so finding out early on what the angle was going to be was very exciting! Lives up to that premise, too. Not flashy, just a well made well acted film with a good tense, twisty story.
It's that good Movies for Adults shit that we don't really get a lot of anymore.
A handsomely produced movie with great performances that's definitely doing it's own thing. Unfortunately the thing it's doing feels pointless and miserable. I respect the middle finger to idolizers of the character, but that's 'all' it seems to be.
There's no real story here, and the movie gives no new reasons to care about or identify with Fleck before tearing him down (again)
Was looking forward to the musical element, but aside from a scene or two it mostly falls…