

Favorite films

  • Hot Fuzz
  • I'm Thinking of Ending Things
  • The Matrix
  • The Shop Around the Corner

Recent activity

  • Friday the 13th Part III


  • A Real Pain


  • Mickey 17


  • Furious 7


Recent reviews

  • Friday the 13th Part III

    Friday the 13th Part III


    Why did they decide to make all of the people annoying in this? I guess everybody in the last movie was mostly normal, so people felt bad for their deaths, so the writers decided to write characters who the audience hates. Now the problem is that I don't care at all if they die or not. The worst thing is that most of the deaths are really anticlimactic, they just get stabbed and that's it.

  • Furious 7

    Furious 7


    vin diesel punches a car door and dents it

Popular reviews

  • Honorable Men

    Honorable Men


    First 20 minutes has some of the funniest B-movie material but the rest is really gross and boring.

  • Rolling Papers

    Rolling Papers


    Paneks pool like kui saaks.

    Mul suht palju mõtteid selle filmi kohta aga mdea kas see väärib seda kõike kirja panemist. Naljakas, siiras, tüütu, ilus, väsitav, lapsik, energeetiline, amatöörne, innukas, hooliv, hoolitsetu.

    See film kehastab inimesi nii hästi sest nad liht koguaeg jahmivad mingitest lambistest asjadest mis enda arust on räme tähtsad aga tegelt nad liht mähivad ja pole palju paremad kui mingi vene pomšid kes nurga peal viina joovad kambaga.

    Loodan et ma päriselus ühtegi neist inimestest ei kohtaks, ma nii tüdinenud sellistest inimestest.
