“The most honest form of filmmaking is to make a film for yourself” -Peter Jackson
“I love a good western” -Colin Ogilvie
I haven’t seen the 1960 original or the original original Seven Samurai’s, so I had no nostalgic lens going into this. Because of that, I thought it was pretty good, until the very last scene, which suuuuuuuuucked.
This was much better than the first two (even though I enjoyed those).
Firstly, the animation of the character models is much better. They look very good!
Secondly, while there is still plenty of cringe-worthy humor, it actually felt funny, whereas the humor from the first one feels stuck in 2020.
Keanu Reeves as Shadow >>>>
I am so unsettled.
All of the messages and undertones and imagery left me very rattled. I thought the twist was nice but then it twisted again! The ending had me speechless and really messed with me; it was pretty sad to think about.
It should be a crime that Lupita Nyong’o was not even nominated for an Oscar with that performance. Winston Duke plays an excellent goofy dad.
“Don’t you put that on me, Ricky Bobby!”
Beautiful. Shake n Bake.