Marty my goat
Homely surprising how well the humor holds up 60 years later
Marty my goat
Homely surprising how well the humor holds up 60 years later
So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause
I don't know what compelled me to decide to watch Star Wars immediately after the turnout of this election, but my god in every piece of Star Wars media there is always a quote that is so powerful and so profound as to either current events or the hopes for a better world and this one is no exception
I don't know what the next four years will bring, but I…
Not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Actual "the art of filmmaking" wise, this is truly a low point in terms of actual art. Sauceless, uninspired slop, only benefit is that, too me at least, the $320 million budget seems to have the cgi looking worth its money.
Script wise, it's the exact same type of script you expect from any run-of-the-mill Netflix Original film, the directors and the budget didn't really change that.
Plot wise,…