Aziz Alfa

Aziz Alfa

Favorite films

  • No Country for Old Men
  • Chinatown
  • The Bridge on the River Kwai
  • His Girl Friday

Recent activity

  • The Rock


  • Dances with Wolves


  • Great Expectations


  • Thief


Recent reviews

  • Dances with Wolves

    Dances with Wolves


    Yes, Goodfellas is the better movie but this ain't chopped liver. It's a well thought out, well executed epic that may be too old fashioned for its own sake. Taking cues from Wyler, Ford and obviously Lean, Costner is very intentional with his focus on character and immediate machinations rather than a macro view of the Civil War/Age of Expansion storyline. There's not much complexity here, no new political agenda surfaces. The filmmaking matches the journey of the protagonist, it…

  • The Rock

    The Rock


    Some hardcore toupee on toupee action going on here. Bay always has and always will be a money shot director. The action scenes are well designed and executed but everything leading up to those grand set pieces come off as an afterthought. The connective tissue is weak and frustrating. Most of the characters behave and speak like they learned human behavior from reality TV. Characters supposed to be intelligent behave like puerile menaces. It seems like he trusts his actors…

Popular reviews

  • Midnight Run

    Midnight Run


    For an actor who excels in playing repulsive characters and train wrecks who draw us in with curious masochism, here De Niro plays a genuinely likable character we actually enjoy spending time with. It's his most underrated performance and his screen partner is the perfect foil. This is the apotheosis of the buddy comedy genre, here the formula is perfected. The colourful cast of characters all get their moment to shine and enhance the calamitous journey the two leads undertake…

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

    Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl


    Few very truly original characters have been created since the start of the new century but here Johnny Depp invents the most bonkers character to ever lead a major production. I still remember staggering out of the cinema opening weekend and my mom telling me to cut out that wino nonsense impersonation. A complete highwire act lands with aplomb and leaves the other characters in its wake which is one of the follies of the film. The other characters are…
