Episodes 7-9
Holy shit what the fuck was episode 8. Peak television best shot episode ever.
Episodes 7-9
Holy shit what the fuck was episode 8. Peak television best shot episode ever.
I am currently watching The Return and I will post a review every 3 episodes.
Episodes 1-3
Ep 1: What the fuck, New yorkers freaky as shit
Ep 2: What the fuck, Beyond life and death pt. 2
Ep 3: What the fuck, Cooper goes gambling
100 "It'll be just like in the movies. We'll pretend to be someone else."
Mulholland Drive is by far the most horrifying movie Ive ever seen. This movie feels like a nightmare that youre trying to escape but keeps grasping you over and over again. David Lynch is a genius with how he builds tensions and make you feel like your heart is about to erupt right out of your chest. The way the score rises just makes you feelβ¦