

Favorite films

  • Malcolm X
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Shallow Grave

Recent activity

  • Mulholland Drive


  • Wicked


  • Kiki's Delivery Service


  • Whiplash


Recent reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    A very unique combination of a film which is both near incomprehensible but so tangibly, *about* so many things. It’s a very angry film on top of everything else. This is my first David Lynch film and while I finished the film with a headache I now want to go and watch everything else he’s ever done.

  • Wicked



    Went into this film fully intending to hate it. It’s a movie musical with a stunt-casted pop star that’s been in development hell for twenty years. And then when the credits rolled and the packed cinema started clapping I found myself clapping as well.

    The only movie musical before this which I actually like and think is better than the stage version is 1968’s Oliver!. Oliver! works because it goes overboard with the orchestration and choreography and makes the stylized…

Popular reviews

  • Saltburn



    Somewhat enjoyable but the word I keep coming back to is “gratuitous”. The twist undercuts anything resembling a theme and leaves you with the implication that upper middle class northerners and mixed-race kids are out to get you. And by “you”, I mean people as posh as the director. And thus all the nastiness and the TikTok fancam-style homoeroticism amounts to almost nothing.

    It clearly wants to be “British Parasite” but Fennell didn’t clock that the posh people in that…

  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X


    I watched this in high school and realized recently that it probably is my favourite film. It’s certainly what I consider to be the gold standard for biopics and historical films to which I compare all others to.

    I think the two best creative choices film are 1) the fact that it ends with literally Nelson Mandela reading Malcolm X’s autobiography to a class full of schoolchildren and 2) how bloody long it was. He’s basically made a Shakespeare-style historical epic about the guy, and it’s a real statement - especially for the early nineties - that he should be a candidate for such treatment.