Corbin Angeles

Corbin Angeles

Dad, husband, horror hound, gamer, podcaster.

Find my content anywhere you can search "Corbangarang" or "Essential Scares".

Favorite films

  • Kingdom of Heaven
  • Scream
  • The Witch
  • La La Land

Recent activity

  • Men in Black 3


  • Men in Black II


  • Men in Black


  • Prey for the Devil


Recent reviews

  • House of the Witchdoctor

    House of the Witchdoctor


    Actively avoid this film.

  • Cloverfield



    I honestly had no idea what to expect going into this one, and I feel like even if people told me, it wouldn't have helped.

    House is an insane fever dream of a movie with a shockingly basic premise - a group of high school girls takes a vacation visiting an old family member in the countryside; the house they visit ends up being haunted, and hijinks ensue. But the hijinks are absolutely bonkers.

    This movie simply never lets up.…

Popular reviews

  • Dawn of the Dead

    Dawn of the Dead


    Getting this out of the way right in the front:
    I love Zack Snyder. I love his style, I enjoy every one of his movies, and I've been a fan of his ever since his first movie - which, coincidentally, is this one.

    Dawn of the Dead does what I think most remakes should aspire to do - it takes core ideas from the original movie, maybe none of the messaging but the general aesthetic or style, and it makes…

  • Cruella



    Essentially The Devil Wears Prada: A Heist Story, and I thoroughly enjoyed most of it.

    The beginning of the movie with young Cruella is easily the weakest portion and is the most outlandish, almost feeling out of place compared to the rest of the film, but once we jump forward in time it really gets going. We see Cruella (before she takes the name) committing smalltime heists with her crew, getting to know them through a series of vignette thievery,…