Cortes Cortes

Cortes Cortes Pro

Favorite films

  • Charlie Wilson's War
  • Narc
  • Ronin
  • The Bourne Identity

Recent activity

  • Abigail's Party


  • The Bourne Identity


  • The Bunker


  • The Looming Tower


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Battle Royale

    Battle Royale


    Directors Cut < Theatrical Cut

    Directors Cut Rating:
    4 out of 5 stars - 8.5/10 - B

  • Our Time Will Come

    Our Time Will Come


    I've been on a mission for the past year-and-a-half, or so, to see as many WWII era Films as possible, if not every single one ever produced...!!!

    What I've learned in the past eighteen months, with still so much more to see, is that perspective is a helluva thing.

    Most Americans get offended when you refer to something they like or identify with as propoganda, as if the word has only a negative connotation, and yet Americans have dominated the…
