Enid [CosmicSoda]

Enid [CosmicSoda] Patron

"A wet sandwich. He's too short, he dresses like a girl, he's different."

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Scream
  • Jojo Rabbit
  • The Dark Crystal

Recent activity

  • Audition

  • A Blade in the Dark

  • 30 Days of Night


  • Jack Frost


Pinned reviews

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    Consumerism Bad? Then how come i can Consumerism movies and books? Checkmate Liberal

  • Nosferatu



    This film took Twilight and said "make it kinky and with a freaky dude who is visually decaying instead of some hot young guy who's probably 300 and still in high school!"

Recent reviews

  • A Blade in the Dark

    A Blade in the Dark

    i watched it whilst in a tired state of "hghgnfnfmnfdgnngf,snfjsgfngnfn........." so I can't say much really but I do know that I didn't enjoy watching it.
    In fact I remember thinking it was boring and having to stop myself falling asleep.

    at least it looks like the actors had fun?

  • Jack Frost

    Jack Frost


    the way i unironically loved this

Popular reviews

  • My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games

    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games


    i think i have autism

  • Adolescence



    This show is an experience that's difficult and painful to describe. It's like some nightmare of dread and anguish and stress and empathy.

    The amount of pain this show manages to capture is unlike anything.

    This should be shown in schools and in parliament. This is such an important issue in the UK that gets talked about not nearly enough, nor as much as it should.