I have a strong opinion on all things….
Tim Burton is the greatest director to ever do a film…
Incred. Loved it. Definitely a war movie.
Figured out what the “twist” was going to be early on but damn it’s exactly what the sequel should’ve been.
Every battle and every fight is so perfect.
I don’t care what anyone says, if the Roman’s could concur the whole of Europe I’m sure they could’ve caught some sharks and thrown them in the MCG.
Just as good as the original, if not better.
Little Britain cameo was insane. Loved it.
I think I’m just giving out stars for war movies now.
This was an old one and it really jumps around a lot but lots of horseys and lots of shooting.
Big battle at the end had me cheering, loved it as usual.
Lest we forgetti spaghetti.
Decides to change it up and watch a war movie tonight.
This one focuses a lot on the fear leading up to the spring offensive and I don’t actually think it portrays that fear very well.
I think this one is a bit of a carbon copy of a lot of the other ww1 movies. Follow a young kid who will inevitably be killed all for nothing.
Kind of had this one on in the background in the end.
It’s big 6 Christmas week!!!!
Jk, I’m not invited.
- cowdoiman
This bloke does not cop enough shit for having such a shit name.
Movie is a bit of a boring version of grand Torino (great film), as expected bloke loses all hope to live after his wife dies and tries to off himself a few times.
Moral of the story, never fall in love just go to revs every Monday and find love every time you go.
This movie is not worth watching, unless you want to know how to better prepare a noose (screw it into the studs).
Regards, Cowdoiman