

no rating havent seen that shit in forever

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Babylon
  • The Apartment
  • 10 Things I Hate About You

Recent activity

  • Pride & Prejudice


  • Princess Mononoke


  • The Red Shoes


  • The Lovers on the Bridge


Recent reviews

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    in all honestly i find it ridiculous how they fell for each other cough darcy cough but the bingley-darcy duo being fucking awkward while yearning to be with their women was pretty funny_i get it cause bro would spawn out of thin air and be like mm yeah, this house.. i like the paint to start a conversation and not know how to keep it going

  • Princess Mononoke

    Princess Mononoke


    So you say you're under a curse?
    So what? So's the whole damn world.

    i fear ive found the perfect film to watch after a busy day__ no thoughts, just captivating sceneries and inspiring characters with impressive (and at times haunting) animation in that timeless ghibli art style which guarantees it a spot at the top when ranked amongst other films of the studio__ this might just be one of my favorites if not the best ive seen from them!!…

Popular reviews

  • The Thing

    The Thing


    typa thing you'd add to a list of films with paid dog actors;; the practical effects go incredibly hard on this one and that ending scene had just the right amount of ambiguity to keep the viewers guessing. good shit.

  • Sing Street

    Sing Street


    I fucking love this movie
