

I mostly use my reviews to help me remember specific things that stuck with me after watching a film.

Favorite films

  • The Fifth Element
  • Spider-Man 2
  • Garden State
  • The Royal Tenenbaums

Recent activity

  • Office Space


  • Walk the Line


  • Run Lola Run


  • The Running Man


Recent reviews

  • Office Space

    Office Space


    I was 17 or 18 when I first watched this film, I absolutely loved the humor and figured it was just an exaggeration of office work. ~25 years later, I really wish I would have heeded the warnings and moral of this story.

    We don’t have a lot of time on this earth, we weren’t meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless…

  • Young Frankenstein

    Young Frankenstein


    “Don't be frightened, dear. It's just a rat…a filthy…slimy…rat!”

    I love this movie. Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder pay an amazing homage to the Universal Frankenstein films in an outstanding horror comedy. The set design, atmosphere, and manic acting is all done with a tremendous balance in honoring the beauty of the classic films that came before it while adding a unique take on the story (or possibly adding to the lore). Gene Wilder is such a delight in this film and…

Popular reviews

  • Milk & Serial

    Milk & Serial


    Super impressed with Curry Barker and Cooper Tomlinson (from the sketch group “that’s a bad idea”). Very reminiscent of the found footage movie Creep, but with a lower budget and some good twists.

    The sketch group is normally known for their hilarious comedy skits, but this horror short film really does showcase how creative Curry Barker is and how talented of an actor Cooper Tomlinson is. I am really impressed with how the twists kept ramping up and explaining aspects…

  • Frankenstein



    This film may not hold up to today’s standards in terms of pacing, but it makes up for it with some beautiful scenes. The monster makeup is outstanding and still holds up to how we consider Frankenstein’s monster to appear, certainly my favorite rendition.

    The waterfront scene always stuck with me as a kid, the innocence shared while being brutally lost through misunderstanding and tragic strength (a lot of parallels with Lennie’s character in Of Mice and Men).

    By far, the…