Just one wild boy who loves one wild film.
That film is House of 1,000 Corpses
Best of the franchise so far. Still plenty of balls get dropped but dang…. I dare you to watch this and not at least get a little nauseous.
The chainsaw kill will be with me forever.
Always a gem.
Rob Zombie’s style really needs to be your thing to enjoy it though.
Overall an enjoyable and rather predictable film. Plenty of fun characters and a phenomenal soundtrack but it really comes up short with its pacing and general lack of a plot.
Definitely my least favorite of Craig Zahler’s three big showings (Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cellblock 99). But here’s what’s up…. I genuinely cannot recall the last time a filmmaker has impressed me this much across multiple genres. The pacing of this film is addictive and some of the most unsuspecting moments will terrify you to your core. I never thought that this would be Zahler’s scariest film but I was truly freaked out in the third act. Bravo.