Writer for movieboozer.com
Film blog - criticismsandmisdemeanors.wordpress.com/
2025 theatrical trip #35
One of the essential independent American masterpieces of the 2020's, and the scene from which it gets its title is one of the most affecting I've seen in quite a while. I'm glad Talia Ryder's career took off after this, but am surprised to not have seen Sidney Flanagan in much since the half decade this has been out, considering she should've walked away with an Oscar statue for her performance here. Come to think of…
The latest in a recent succession of smartly written, atmospheric, and character driven horror-thrillers in the vein of things like It Follows, The Witch, etc. Like those two, this film certainly isn’t perfect and all three have moments I would’ve personally chosen to do differently, but I’m ultimately willing to be forgiving here because of how much else it does right.
Of course, while most of the conversation surrounding the film will be primarily focused both on James McAvoy's leading…
This was pretty much everything I was hoping it would be, and even more (which I was also hoping it would be). Despite having a somewhat familiar structure, some of the places it takes the central premise really caught me off guard, and the fact that Del Toro was able to take this admittedly goofy sounding (at least in theory) story and make it not only believable and able to be taken completely seriously, but to make it as deeply…