unironically enjoys the fault in our stars
@csmich on serializd too
Went into this pretty blind and it was a comforting surprise how much i connected with it, i loved the way the people who shizuko loved inspired her to look within herself and find her own path. I would've killed to have watched this movie when i was a panicked teen with no clear hopes and dreams, so im happy that ghibli always finds a beautiful way to get important messages across, also im in love with seiji! lets go ghibli men!
If you want true love, then this is it. This is real life. It's not perfect, but it's real.
this is blue valentine if blue valentine didn't leave me with a gigantic hole where my heart is supposed to be. actors were amazing, dialogue amazing (not as good as previous two movies but a million times better than most movies of its time)
it lost the magic of the first two parts, but thats the point isnt it? love isn't…
yes she treated her men like shit... but she was a mastermind... and above all things... she was mother...
funny review aside, this movie was absolutely stunning, the tension never left the screen for a moment, and the chemistry between the leads was so impressive i honestly would've watched 10 seasons of whatever the hell they've got going on. i love tennis. i love bisexuals. goodnight wimbledon