

Favorite films

  • Love Streams
  • In the Cut
  • To Live and Die in L.A.
  • Wings of Desire

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  • Before Midnight

  • Before Sunset


  • Before Sunrise


  • Hard Truths

Recent reviews

  • Before Midnight

    Before Midnight

    my memory of this film is that it *opened* with the fight scene and i was too upset about it to continue watching. turns out i was so wrong.

    it's all men and women and women and men and what we get ourselves into and what we lose when we're together and want to keep when we're alone and how romance and idealism becomes suffocated by the mundane.

    sometimes i feel like everything in my life is conspiring to turn…

  • Before Sunset

    Before Sunset


    im somewhat lovelorn lip synching love songs but that's irrelevant.

    hawke looks at delpy like every man should look at the woman they're in love with. smitten, restless, and READY to throw his fake, unsatisfactory life away for what we all want but forget about when aging into a cynical realism.

    linklater is going to heaven for making this trilogy. on god.

Popular reviews

  • Hold Me Tight

    Hold Me Tight

    this really fucked me up. the structure reflects how convoluted grief can be, how the imagination fuels our coping mechanisms.

    heard someone say to their friend as they were walking out that the plot was "incredibly complicated" and, like, sure. yeah. but also, it's not? it demands attention and alertness (like anything worth watching) and asks us to pay attention to how grief undermines and influences perception.

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    bittersweet palate cleanser.

    is somebody gonna match my freak?