Chris G

Chris G

Favorite films

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

Recent activity

  • Dying at Grace


  • The Grand Tour: One For The Road


  • The Batman


  • Orion and the Dark


Recent reviews

  • Dying at Grace

    Dying at Grace


    A really tough watch, but immensely captivating.

  • The Grand Tour: One For The Road

    The Grand Tour: One For The Road


    A fitting and surprisingly emotional end.

Popular reviews

  • The Second Coming

    The Second Coming


    This is the role that got Eccleston Doctor Who. It is an RTD production, after all.

    Christopher Eccleston is the Son of God, and boy does he play the part well. The first episode was fantastic, and if the second was as good as the first this would be a five stars. The supporting cast are all great but the second episode just didn't seem as... exciting as the first.

  • Doctor Who: The Mind Robber

    Doctor Who: The Mind Robber


    By far the most delightfully surreal thing I think I've ever watched. I've seen Neil Breen films and Blue Velvet and I think it tops them all.

    There was a scene in the last episode where I just burst out laughing, not because it was hilariously bad or anything, but because of just how amazingly surreal it was.

    Emrys Jones as the Master (of the Land of Fiction) and Bernard Horsfall as Gulliver really steal the show here. I recognised…