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Cultpix is the leading GLOBAL (195 countries) streaming service and community for classic cult, genre and exploitation films. Join today! New York Times: "one of the many refreshing…


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Experts unleash Ra-Antef's wrath in 1900s London. A greedy American and clueless scientists face linen-wrapped vengeance after turning sacred relics into sideshow attractions. Atmospheric entry that proves disturbing ancient tombs never ends well. Delivers foggy streets and shambling menace for vintage horror fans seeking mummy mayhem!

Burt Reynolds is a Navajo warrior, charging "a dollar a head" to protect racist townspeople from the scalp-hunters who massacred his village. The film climaxes with cinema's most spectacular tomahawk-to-forehead death scene! Reynolds later declared it "so awful it was only shown in prisons and airplanes because nobody could leave". One of Tarantino’s favorite movies.

A parade of classic burlesque beauties with Sandra's frisky interpretation strip, June Stevens' full-figured quivers, and buxom Marlow's dippy dance! French firecracker Yvonne Riviere brings down the house while Little Jack Little clucks comics between Pam's Cuban heat and Lea's “interpretation of sex”.

Ringo (Ken Clark) protects ranchers from a ruthless landowner—but the real drama happened behind cameras! Originally, production halted when the producer fired director Antonio Román mid-shoot. Horror master Mario Bava stepped in, but it’s disputed how much he actually directed.

Liked reviews

Probably the slowest kids film ever made. But in a good way. Fans of Thriller will have a lot of fun spotting directorial traits that Vibenius would develop further in that film. The cowboy dream scene in this is glorious!

Oh, the sleazy labyrinths of the urban landscape. Filled with sexual challenges in mystic monochromatic rooms, peep holes, lonely dancers in empty bars and red doors leading into desire and madness.