Acting was 🅱️razy
Kendall Roy is my king. Somehow this movie made me feel bad for Roy Cohn who may actually be the spawn of Satan himself
Acting was 🅱️razy
Kendall Roy is my king. Somehow this movie made me feel bad for Roy Cohn who may actually be the spawn of Satan himself
I think the shit streaming site ruined the cinematography it’s a super visual movie usually and it looked like straight dookie last night
Also if you fucks don’t start doing actual reviews I am unfollowing. Can’t even like or comment on that shit… @kiefer @kiefer @kiefer @kiefer @keb @keb
One of my fav books ever into one of my fav movies
The world building and scale is so insane. One of the BOAT adaptations
Austin butler’s Elvis voice and the fire alarm going off couldn’t even ruin it