
Cydoimos Pro

The undisputed champ of bad taste.

Favorite films

  • Zombie Flesh Eaters
  • The Twentieth Century
  • Friday Foster
  • Desert Hearts

Recent activity

  • Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders


  • Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution


  • Munchie


  • Bluebeard


Recent reviews

  • Munchie



    Jim Wynorski did his best, but Munchie is terrible to be around.

  • Bluebeard



    Bluebeard is visually inventive, violent, and ugly. 

    Its lineage lives on in the work of Lee Hardcastle and the scores of similar animations populating Newgrounds and Youtube. As a kid, I watched countless hours of claymation mayhem made by teenagers on the internet. They typically included lots of violence and grotesque (generally due to a lack of sculpting skill) character designs.

    The ugly characters created by Jean Painlevé‘s and René Bertrand’s kids give the film an innocence that takes the edge off of the violence. Bluebeard's armour protecting…

Popular reviews

  • Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

    Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood


    A film tailor-made for the worst type of cinephile; the braggadocious film bro. “You think Terrifier 2 was brutal? That’s child’s play. Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood, now THAT’S hardcore!”

    It was an overall boring and uninteresting experience.

  • The Flood

    The Flood


    It’s got a decent enough premise, but it is all executed charmlessly. None of the set pieces work, and the empty gestures towards having something to say regarding gender, race, and class, an impulse that has surged since 2020, is getting exhausting. Please focus on nailing genre thrills.
