

I give a lot of 3 1/2 & 4 star reviews because I do not like watching things I think I’ll hate.

Favorite films

  • Twin Peaks: The Return
  • Los Chidos
  • Perfect Blue
  • Night Tide

Recent activity

  • Mulholland Drive


  • Wild at Heart


  • Frankenhooker


  • Infinity Pool


Recent reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    To anyone who saw the 3/22 showing of this at the Roxie in San Francisco and took it upon themselves to laugh at every remotely tense or surreal scene, I’d like you all to form a queue so I can personally beat you all to death. 

  • Deep End

    Deep End

    A sick perv who eats too many hot dogs and listens to Can, the perfect protagonist

Popular reviews

  • Dune



    and that completes the Lynch feature filmography for me. I feel like every criticism I’ve heard about this movie is true yet somehow I still kinda liked it, though had it been made by anyone else or starring anyone else that might not be the case. I have to wonder if Lynch had final cut if it would’ve actually been a better movie or not, because it doesn’t really seem like a story he was very interested in telling.

  • Twin Peaks: The Return

    Twin Peaks: The Return


    here it is folks: the best piece of fiction to ever exist. it’s all down hill from here
