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Recent reviews

  • Pitch Perfect 2

    Pitch Perfect 2


    I watched this the other day with the same friend who made me watch the first one. I must say I liked the first one, I didn't love it, but I found it rather enjoyable. Don't know if that is the case because the story was good, or the lines were funny, or the characters were likable, or I liked some of the songs, or simply because I was half-drunk when I watched it. Whatever the case was, I don't…

  • Blast Vegas

    Blast Vegas


    Oh, my... where to begin. The dialogues, the acting, the direction, the special effects, the cheesy story, the lack of ideas near the end and filling in that gap with a stupid part just to barely make it to 1 hour and 20 insufferable minutes... I just cannot pick which is worse... Just can't... Who makes these kinds of films?! And who finances it all?!
    I didn't expect an "Oscar worthy" film from SyFy, but come on... a little bit of effort wouldn't have killed the makers of this... film.

Popular reviews

  • Populaire



    It's like Rocky... with typewriters.

  • American Hustle

    American Hustle


    Just.... don't... understand.... what all the fuss is about... I just don't....

    It's a mediocre film at best. GOD!!!! How did it get all those Oscar nominations?! It's watchable, but not Oscar worthy, and the performances are ok, but come on.... I would rather give an Oscar to Tom Hiddleston for "being" Loki, than to Bradley Cooper and his perm.

    When I think about it the only thing I liked about the movie is Christian Bale's combover.

    Maybe in the future I'll give it another chance... but not likely.