

I’m that Godzilla guy from YouTube.

Favorite films

  • King Kong vs. Godzilla
  • Godzilla
  • King Kong
  • Stand by Me

Recent activity

  • The Stuff


  • Summoning Bloody Mary


  • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol


  • The Flash


Recent reviews

  • The Stuff

    The Stuff


    Okay, bitches. Now this is how you make a movie! Take notes. No padding for runtime, no useless subplots, no time wasted. The only filler in this movie was the stuff they had spewing out of Chocolate Chip Charlie’s mouth! Also, more movies should have characters named Chocolate Chip Charlie.

  • Summoning Bloody Mary

    Summoning Bloody Mary


    There was a scene where she stabbed someone’s eyes out or something like that and I have to imagine that’s what watching this movie would have felt like if I paid more attention. I would give it 0/5 because it didn’t remind me enough of Clownery. But I can’t keep holding that against other films forever.

Popular reviews

  • Man of Steel

    Man of Steel


    Pa Kent is the only man to beat Superman. He said 🙋‍♂️✋🏻 and Clark was like 😨. I also think Pa Kent might be over powered. A tornado hit him and he didn’t lift off the ground. My theory is that he can change density. This would explain why he didn’t want Clark to reveal his powers. Because he knew what it was like having powers and being judged for them. Idk. I’ll have to ask Zach someday when I…

  • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol

    Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol


    Well. There was one sequence where it reminded me of another film I like. And I love this one. It DID have the parking garage sequence. My bother told me it didn’t. He even had the audacity to say it didn’t after it showed it in the intro. Now you see why my favorite of my Mom’s kids is very much not him. It’s me. Because I knew this one had the parking garage. 
    Ethan didn’t go rogue. 

    I was told I would get an animation if I reviewed this film.
