David Holcombe

David Holcombe Pro

Favorite films

  • Endless Poetry
  • Midsommar
  • Man with a Movie Camera
  • The Shining

Recent activity

  • September 5


  • Okja


  • Allied


  • Parasite


Recent reviews

  • Okja



    Teddys first watch, he gives it a 5 and is considering becoming a vegetarian

  • Parasite



    Teddys first watch, he gives it a 5

Popular reviews

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    “LaLa Land” or “How to resent everyone and everything around you and fail upwards.”

    This film is offensively bland. With all the money, all the actors, and all the raw filmmaking talent, you made THIS? NOW?!? Why? 

    Neither of the lead actors can sing and the only thing standing in the way of their love is their ego-driven ambition. Gross. The gorgeous, lush cinematography nods to classic Hollywood musicals from the MGM golden era except that this story hijacks the…

  • 20 Days in Mariupol

    20 Days in Mariupol


    I put off watching this for so long because I knew it would be hard. A brutal and graphic accounting of the siege of Mariupol. Difficult and heart wrenching to watch, but it feels like a responsibility to witness this atrocity. There are images in this film that will haunt me forever.
