Dan Creed

Dan Creed Pro

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • Uncut Gems
  • Parasite
  • The Big Lebowski

Recent activity

  • A Complete Unknown

  • The Substance

  • Scorched Earth

  • The Brutalist

Pinned reviews

  • Hidden Strike

    Hidden Strike


    ...and that's film number 1500! (along with some shows and documentaries) With each new one, my love for cinema keeps growing. Here's to the next 1500...

    Hidden Strike is quite a fun watch, although the CGI could've really used some improvement. Story-wise nothing you haven’t seen and mediocre action scenes. Yet, what truly elevates the movie is the fantastic dynamic between Jackie Chan and John Cena It's honestly also amazing that at 69 years old, Jackie Chan is still out there doing action roles and pulling off his own stunts without hesitation.

    PS: Ever witnessed Jackie Chan dive into a foam bath?

Recent reviews

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up


    Don't Look Up ist verdammt ambitioniert, aber erreicht nicht den Fokus von The Big Short. Das Ganze ist auch eher Comedy- und Katastrophenfilm, aber eine gelungene Satire ist es leider nicht.

    Allerdings hat DiCaprio wieder eine top notch Performance abgeliefert und ich finde das Ende gelungen, was ich dem Film definitiv anerkennen möchte.

  • Euphoria: F*ck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob

    Euphoria: F*ck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob


    Fuck Anyone Who's Not a Sea Blob:
    I have the feeling it all leads up to this Episode where the climax just hits you in the face.

    Now watch Euphoria if you haven't seen it! :D

Popular reviews

  • Youth



    Filmwelt Filmclub #24 - Youth - Ausgewählt von mir

    Regisseur Paolo Sorrentino legt großen Wert auf seine Darsteller und deren Dialoge. Durch den Fokus auf diese entsteht ein sehr ruhiges Bild, aber Luca Bigazzis Kinematographie ist wunderbar, denn er nimmt sich auch Zeit für die beeindruckenden Aufnahmen. Das macht Youth nicht zu einem schwerfälligen Werk, sondern verdeutlicht wie erwachsen und durchdacht es ist, vor allem durch die philosophische Ebene. Aber auch der Humor kommt nicht zu kurz und richtig…

  • The Minimalists: Less Is Now

    The Minimalists: Less Is Now


    The Minimalists: Less Is Now is the third documentary directed by Matt D’Avella and it have been five years since his last documentary "Minimalism".

    The overall quality is okay but I feel like it had more potential. It very much focuses on the why aspect and if you're looking for some helpful tips, you will find better guides.

    I definitely like the idea and how they bring minimalism into mainstream. In case you're new to minimalism you should definitely check it out, but I won't recommend this film if you're already familiar with the topic.