This is an amazing series. Easily one of the best Stephen King adaptations.
If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it, I highly recommend it.
After Cobra Kai's amazing finale and in preparation for the upcoming Karate Kid: Legends, I watched the one film in the series that I'd never seen before.
It was good, but it definitely feels like 80% of it is a weaker version of the original.
But still excited to see Mr. Han return soon in Legends!
I was actually okay with this being a musical when I first heard of it, but the songs ended up feeling more intrusive rather than naturally flowing within the story.
This movie just ended up proving that the first Joker should have stayed a standalone film.
(This review refers to the whole trilogy)
I got the chance to watch the extended versions of the trilogy on the big screen for the first time recently, and man, these movies are still as much of a masterpiece now as they were 20 years ago.
If you get the chance to see them on the big screen, I wholly recommend it, it's an epic experience!