"The Truth is Relative"
Thanks Revue Cinema for the screening. Caitlin deserves a bonus for picking one of the greatest films ever made. Thank you Caitlin! The dance of the hairless boners has nothing on you.
"The Truth is Relative"
Thanks Revue Cinema for the screening. Caitlin deserves a bonus for picking one of the greatest films ever made. Thank you Caitlin! The dance of the hairless boners has nothing on you.
Over blown and stretched thin. Too many dull subplots to fill the 10 hours. Skip this one of you're considering.
How would you spend your last night?
I absolutely love this film. Tonight's screening at TIFF marks the third time I've watched it in theatre. The first during its initial release way back in 98 when i was studying film theory at university. The second time was in January of 2020 right before Covid shut the world down.
One subtle design choice I love in this film is that the majority of newspaper boxes from the Toronto's street corners were…