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  • Once Upon a Time in the West

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Recent reviews

  • Stroker Ace

    Stroker Ace


    Here endeth Burt Reynolds' run of racing hits, and it's gloriously terrible. There are a couple moments that have the old magic, but they don't come close to saving it. Jim Nabors singing Amazing Grace brought a smile to my face. He had a lovely voice, and I was lucky enough to see him singing the national anthem live before a baseball game when I was a kid in the 90s. If this movie was about his character in a…

  • A Hidden Life

    A Hidden Life


    I grew up in an extremely conservative Catholic community. It has formed and impacted my life in inextricable ways. I have a background in theology which culminated with obtaining an Apostolic Catechetical Diploma from the Vatican upon graduating college, and I briefly considered pursuing a vocation as married deacon. As a child I was taught of the saints and martyrs throughout history who opposed evil and oppression in every era and on every continent, unabashedly bolstering the one true Church…

Popular reviews

  • The History Boys

    The History Boys


    A teacher and his “special” group of students have a Very British Bond where much goes unsaid while he molests or attempts to molest each and every one of the boys. The film portrays the teacher as mostly harmless, while students are presented as unrealistically mature. They fend him off with a laugh, and anyone who objects is a prig or outsider.

    I try to avoid inserting too much of myself into these reviews, but I am a child and…

  • Army of the Dead

    Army of the Dead


    Despite my long-running dislike of Zack Snyder as a storyteller, I've always given him credit as a visual composer. Imagine my disappointment at how goddamn bad this movie looks.

