Dan 🥪

Dan 🥪

Why would a review make the point of saying someone's not a genius? You think I'm especially not a genius?

Favorite films

  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Field of Dreams
  • La La Land
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • Asteroid City


  • Mickey 17


  • Old School


  • Will & Harper

Recent reviews

  • Die Hard

    Die Hard


    No need to go into why the movie is great – it’s all been said, by much better writers than myself. One thing did occur to me recently though – Die Hard may be the most rewatchable movie of all time.

    The idea of watching it around the holidays certainly helped this, and it being in the action genre is a plus. It’s just smart enough that you don’t get bored of seeing bad guys die over and over again,…

  • Ready Player One

    Ready Player One


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Popular reviews

  • Field of Dreams

    Field of Dreams


    • As we approach 2020, it’s a little harder to view nothing but white players basically coming from the afterlife, so they can play baseball one last time. Surely whatever baseball God is out there would want to see Satchel Page out there with Shoeless Joe. That’s my only complaint for the rest of this review.

    • Costner is perfect in this. He’s great as the everyman trying to get by, with a little bit of sadness behind the eyes.…

  • The Royal Tenenbaums

    The Royal Tenenbaums


    It's his magnum opus. I'll die on my hill defending that opinion.

    It's THE quintessential Wes Anderson, and really, why we think his movies look like they do. Gene Hackman and Gwyneth Paltrow, of all people, give Anderson arguably the best performances he's gotten in any of his movies (apologies to Ralph Fienes). It is legit funny, poignant, sad, beautiful, light, and powerful.

    I know there are maybe more entertaining Wes Anderson movies, but this is the one that all should look up to as the true masterpiece.
