OK, gonna try this again.
Yes, I haven't watched {insert "Popular movie/Classic" here} . Leave me alone, I'm unmedicated and tired.
Out of all the movies I binged on that 13 hr flight this is the one I struggled to stay awake through. Jennifer's character looks constantly constipated for some reason... Very weird vibe. Should've just watched In the heights, Atleast the music would've been good
With everyone foaming at the mouth for this movie I expected more which is my bad, Lady gaga is the movie. Watched it for the culture but won't watch again
Had to rewatch it for an assignment and Damn I forgot that yelling at the store clerk scene. Fucking undid all my therapy.
Anyways not single person in this friend group is straight. Thank you.
A horrible mistake on my part to watch this @ 5am in the morning.
My god this movie, and the emotional wreck it is.
Someone please hit Patrick and Dr. Dickwad with your car, thanks.