

Favorite films

  • Yi Yi
  • Moving
  • In the Heat of the Sun
  • Badlands

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  • Taste of Cherry


  • An Elephant Sitting Still


  • Land of Mine


  • Past Lives


Recent reviews

  • Taste of Cherry

    Taste of Cherry


    I could have used a Mr.Bagheri in my life.

    "I had left to kill myself and I came back with mulberries. A mulberry saved my life. A mulberry saved my life."

    I could feel Mr.Badiis desperation to die but also his desperation to live.

  • An Elephant Sitting Still

    An Elephant Sitting Still


    I have never had a movie experience like this one.

    Its agonizing to watch as the characters are left numb, and alone to deal with their guilt, rage and sadness. There is little to no sympathy for anyone. The movie is relentless in its portrayal of self interest; where nobody takes accountability nor are given justice for their actions.

    In such a self interested world, one wishes to be unaffected by the actions and desires of others. This is the…

Popular reviews

  • Mark Kozelek On Tour: A Documentary

    Mark Kozelek On Tour: A Documentary


    Music so beautiful you can't rate it any lower than four stars

  • Land of Mine

    Land of Mine


    It's hard to be sympathetic towards the german soldiers at first glance; It's easy to say they put them there they have to clean it up. This film captures how evil the Nazi regime was, that even after their fall, people still had to pay for the sins of their leaders. It's truly depressing. What a sorrowful story that tests what we're willing to forgive.

    "Theyre little boys who cry out to their mom when they get scared..."
