"I judge movies on whether or not I'm miserable." - Mike Stoklasa
I especially love horror films.
Fuck you uncle Kyle.
I think I'm in love again - 'Post Covid' is peak South Park.
Everything adds up here, not only concerning Corona going on for 40+ years. That's just a fun / bleak vehicle for the time skip presented in this new made for TV movie. It's the way the future of South Park is realized... Derailed friendships, classmates with failed careers, devastating fatalities along the way, lost family members, the struggle with keeping or adapting your…
You might not make it, but you sure won't if you don't try.
A moving, exceptionally well acted family drama about personal responsibility, set in the Appalachian Mountains?
"Sure, why not", says the average movie enthusiast.
"Worst movie of the year and therefore I don't even have to watch it" says the average wannabe-RottenTomatoes-critic on Letterboxd.
I have defended movie critics more than once in the past, but with this one, I seriously don't get it. Even if you disagree…