Why can’t we live in a world where the good guys kill Donald Trump and live happily ever after? Sigh.
I won’t hear a single “they don’t make good movies anymore” because why the fuck did you not go watch this
Maybe first part was better ‘cause Zendaya and Timothée only saw each other on dreams. Their scenes together here are a chore to get through and make the movie drag a LOT.
I’m happy I saw some reviews saying that if you haven’t read the books you might be confused, because I was going crazy. They go from here to there without any explanation and it’s bewildering.
At some point I got lost and I didn’t catch up.
I’m sad I didn’t like this because Dune 1 was a masterpiece. Maybe future rewatches will help… until then, this is no higher than a 3/5 for me.