dari streater

dari streater Pro

paul thomas anderson enthusiast

Favorite films

  • Inside Llewyn Davis
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Manchester by the Sea
  • 20th Century Women

Recent activity

  • Cinema Paradiso


  • Cinema Paradiso


  • True Grit


  • Gravity


Pinned reviews

  • Inside Llewyn Davis

    Inside Llewyn Davis


    Happy anniversary to me and Inside Llewyn Davis, crazy how a year and four watches later this film holds up even stronger than when I first viewed it!

    Truly such a gentle and intricate masterpiece. Every single detail is filled with purpose and intellect and care. The Coens crafted this film with such a delicate touch and that shines through so vibrantly in what may be the least vibrant in-color film ever. This movie has layers and layers of symbolism…

Recent reviews

  • Cinema Paradiso

    Cinema Paradiso


    Simply a masterclass in all things filmmaking

  • Cinema Paradiso

    Cinema Paradiso


    I love movies so much. More than I can express. More than most can express. But this movie… there’s nothing quite as sentimental, as insightful, as evocative. It’s completely appreciative and aware of the infinite ways cinema forms and changes the world; the power it wields, the life it shares. It is entirely in a league of its own. I love movies, and I will forever love this movie for continuously and relentlessly instilling such a fervent joy and passion within me. If only my words could do it justice!

Popular reviews

  • Strokes of Genius

    Strokes of Genius

    Tennis is so cool that’s all I have to say

  • Babylon



    Such an unbelievable movie I just feel like any flaws are irrelevant?? Are they there? YEAH! Do they matter? NO TO ME! 3 hours of pure madness. Made with so much passion and dedication and undeniable love for something that is so flawed. What a movie. What an experience. 

    One thing’s for sure: these things sure are magical!!!!!