Basicly random dude who got into movies.
If you take my reviews as quality and worthy, i guess it is good. I don't think they are.
It is kinda worse ,,Thunderball" , like it just feels weaker with less impressive underwater , less intimidating villain and some stupid plot points, do i must admit , i had feeling that Connery was here more convincing than in You only live twice and Diamonds are forever. It suprisingly leans heavy into mix of connery and moore style , than coming back to just connery era
It has some fun scenes , but overall rather weak one
Biggest bummer of this movie that there isn't that much of octopussy, but overall it is rather fun campy, but not too much movie.
Sometimes this movie is too stupid for it's own(unlike golden gun which is all sake just absurd) . But this keeps on thrill , especially train sequence. If i had to compare it, it is closer to Golden Gun than Spy who loved or For your eyes only.
pretty denect watch overall
The ending broke me
Amazing muscial and love story with subversive ending.