
davelle324 Pro

Favorite films

  • Shutter Island
  • Django Unchained
  • Memento
  • Inception

Recent activity

  • The Descent


  • Only the Brave


  • CTRL Z


  • Portrait of God


Recent reviews

  • The Descent

    The Descent


    First off why would you do that. 

    This movie was so meh. The beginning kinda had me at first, and the ending was pretty good. But I hated all the motion disorientation they did with the fight scenes, you literally just can’t make out anything lol. I enjoyed the first 30ish minutes of them navigating the caves though.

  • Only the Brave

    Only the Brave


    What a phenomenal movie! If you want to feel something, watch this shit right now.

    They did an incredible job at provoking emotion and telling a great story without feeling like they added too much filler or too little that it took away from the plot. The visuals were great, the plot was great, the characters were great, it didn’t feel too long or too rushed — I have no real complaints honestly.

    It’s been awhile since I watched such…

Popular reviews

  • Funny Games

    Funny Games


    This movie was painfully slow. Like how many times are you going to try that mf cellphone, GTFO THE HOUSE. Everything about this was just painful. Acting was kinda weird. The decisions made at certain points were questionable. And the slow scenes where literally nothing is happening for MINUTES is excruciating. This is not that suspenseful of a movie for all that to be happening. Maybe the original was better but this had almost the same rating so I thought…

  • 21



    I feel like if you’ve went through your degenerate gambling phase of your life where you went to the sino every weekend then it’s hard not to love this movie. 

    Oddly enough — unlike most movies, I liked the first 4/5 of the movie better than the last 1/5 lol. I did like the beginning of the ending but I kinda disliked the end of it..? Yeah idk. Overall though, I thought it was fun to watch and gave me nostalgia of the good ole days where blowing $200 at the casino one night really ruined my weekend.
