Francesco Quirino

Francesco Quirino

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • Cure
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Recent activity

  • Stop Making Sense


  • Paint Drying

  • Cunk on Earth


  • Cure


Recent reviews

  • Stop Making Sense

    Stop Making Sense


    A concert film documenting Talking Heads at the height of their popularity, on tour for their 1983 album “Speaking in Tongues.” The band takes the stage one by one and is joined by a cadre of guest musicians for a career-spanning and cinematic performance that features creative choreography and visuals.

    David Byrne in a giant suit. That's it, that's the review.
    (Still, I hope to write something more about this movie because it was utterly spectacular, and it's a shame I can't review it properly. But I will, once in a lifetime)

  • Paint Drying

    Paint Drying

    My heart is filled with anger and disgust at the several news reports of the ongoing Palestinian genocide. I can't understand why so many people are still trying to defend Israel, even after the Zionist regime violated even the slightest form of ceasefire, killed innocent civilians day after day, cut off water and food supplies, and burned hospital, schools, mosques in Gaza and in the West Bank to the ground. Is your dirty money worth more than the lives of…

Popular reviews

  • There's Still Tomorrow

    There's Still Tomorrow


    Una commedia amara che unisce efficacemente la componente drammatica ad una sottile vena di ironia, raccontando come anche nel secondo dopoguerra la parità di genere fosse un processo quasi del tutto incompiuto e infattibile. Paola Cortellesi sceglie di utilizzare in modo consapevole la sua comicità graffiante senza però dimenticarsi del significato delle scene, dirette in modo quasi essenziale ma con grandissima carica espressiva. Per quanto mi riguarda il film ha qualche difetto nell'esposizione della sceneggiatura - evito di fare spoiler…

  • Paint Drying

    Paint Drying

    I just learned that director David Lynch has sadly passed away, just a few days before his birthday.
    It breaks my heart, I can't believe the world has lost one of its most innovative and peculiar filmmakers, even though I haven't watched all of his works yet.
    R. I. P. Mr. Lynch. You will be deeply missed.