
dazlious Patron

"... and as he turns around you see his face look to the sky and he says very quietly - so that no one can hear him -…

Favorite films

  • Laurence Anyways
  • Poetry
  • Peppermint Candy
  • Burning

Recent activity

  • Masques


  • Stromboli

  • Ninotchka


  • The Lady Eve


Recent reviews

  • Parasite



    It's always good to hava a cigarette, when you REALLY need it.

  • System Crasher

    System Crasher


    If you need love and the system doesn't allow it, there's only one solution - crash the system until someone gets it - or die trying.

    This is exactly the world of the 9 year old traumatized Benni, who desires nothing more than to live with her mother. A completely normal child's life with security, protection, stability and people who love her. But instead she is passed from institution to institution, from foster family to psychiatry and her most possessions…