Wanted to watch something really arty on Mubi but settled for this instead. This film has aged like milk, but definitely laughed way harder than I should have at many scenes
(except the SA scene in the middle of the film, wtf is up with that??)
Wanted to watch something really arty on Mubi but settled for this instead. This film has aged like milk, but definitely laughed way harder than I should have at many scenes
(except the SA scene in the middle of the film, wtf is up with that??)
Watched this at the Prince Charles Cinema. Undeniably beautiful film, but holy shit is it ponderous
Maybe TikTok has ruined my attention span but really struggled to stay engaged. Maybe if the bottom half of the screen was someone playing subway surfer I would've enjoyed it more
Been putting off watching this film for years - but so so worth the watch. Maybe the most beautifully shot film I've ever seen.
Also, bring back duels as way to settle disputes