
dcs577 Pro

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Election
  • House
  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Recent activity

  • Fleshburn


  • Charly


  • Single White Female


  • Initiation


Recent reviews

  • Charly



    Garbage Mormon propaganda.

    I converted to LDS and all I got was this lousy cancer.

    Some God.

  • Firestarter



    Lots of explosions in the climax.

Popular reviews

  • Magic Spot

    Magic Spot


    “If you don’t watch us live, you don’t watch us at all.” If only they followed their own rule with this film. I wish they never hit that record button. 

    This filmmaking team has a small but strong fan base, as I understand it. So I assume it is mainly that base which watches and/or even knows about their films…and thus why the Letterboxd rating for this film seems to be skewed heavily in their favor.

    I first heard about…

  • Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You!

    Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You!


    #6 in the Motern Media Series 

    Read my reviews on Freaky Farley and the Magic Spot for some general criticism of the Motern films. Most of it applies to this one too. 

    This film is about a guy who can’t win with the local press and a cryptid with very little screen time. Proving the cryptid’s existence would solve all of our hero’s problems. Will he succeed? The story is actually much clunkier than that synopsis would lead you to…