I pledge to die without having ever seen a Tarantino film
Likes indicate a favorite movie, not that I think the movie is the best.
Every critique I made of Barbie feels so nitpickey and miniscule in comparison to this. I'm sorry Greta Gerwig
I'm something of a modern woman. I don't eat meat, I have sex on the first date, and I judge all future relationships based on how the person reacts to this film.
There's a sort of intangible frustration to neuroatypicalness. A feeling of being an imposter, or an enemy to people you love. You can spend an entire night crying while convincing yourself that you are doing it to impress an absent audience. You can feel yourself screaming to control yourself as you lose your temper, or relapse into a bad memory, or simply shut down from feeling the wrong texture of cloth. You can relive every moment you've ever hurt…