

Favorite films

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  • Paris, Texas
  • Magical Girl
  • Time of the Wolf

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  • Millennium Mambo


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Recent reviews

  • Millennium Mambo

    Millennium Mambo


    Gorgeous atmosphere and music with raw performance but a really uneventful story overall
    I really wish I could find an HD versión of this tho

  • Demonlover



    One of the dumbest arthouse indie-french whatever films I ever saw, the premise is kind of intriguing until it doesn't. This seems written by a very edgy and snobby 13 year old
    I give it points for chloe sevigny, the sonic youth soundtrack and the opening Neu! song.

Popular reviews

  • Birth



    Well this is the second out of three Jonathan Glazer films I watched and damn, i was surprise of how stupid it is, the story was absurd but I think could be done in an interesting way, but at the end of the day I was just baffled with it, great cinematography and great musical score, in a few words is just a film about Nicole Kidman being a delusional pedophile in love of a bland boring kid

  • Arrival



    Maybe this film would have a higher rating if it wasnt for the shitty resolution netflix had when i watched it, overall a beautiful, smart and emotive story about communication and NICE aliens.
