(Any film I give a heart I think are worth a watch.)
It’s so interesting watching this era of American comedies at this stage in my life. I used to think this movie (and a lot of them from this time) were so fucking funny, I really did. Now I watch them and not only do I not find myself laughing a lot of the time, I find myself bored too. This one definitely has its moments for sure, but the super super super duper obvious improved dialogue just gets tiring after…
I think I’m genuinely missing something.
Now let me just say I like Fury Road perfectly fine. That movie is solid as fuck, but I didn’t find it anywhere near the “classic” that many people consider it as. Still a good, adrenaline-fueled movie just not a masterpiece.
Anyway back to this movie…we’re gonna do a few bulletpoints cause I’m fucking tired:
1. Chris Hemsworth was amazing as fuck. Fit the world so well, was genuinely funny, intimidating, and engaging. Anytime he…