Jon C.

Jon C. Pro

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  • Lost Highway
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • Revenge of the Radioactive Reporter


  • The Blair Witch Project - Deleted Scenes


  • Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2


  • Laura Palmer


Recent reviews

  • Revenge of the Radioactive Reporter

    Revenge of the Radioactive Reporter


    After a sleepless night, a hectic morning, and something of a rough day at work, I needed something a little silly and a little gloopy to take my mind off of things - and Revenge of the Radioactive Reporter certainly fit the bill.

    Also, it’s hard not to like a movie where a would-be rapist suffers a radioactive castration in front of screen-filling graffiti that says “DISARM RAPISTS.”

  • Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

    Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2


    She really shouldn’t have eaten that owl.

Popular reviews

  • Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes

    Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes


    Beautiful & entrancing, mixing classic gothic horror with psychedelic & occult touches that feel equally at home in 70s Eurocult & modern horror. Striking imagery, a beautiful soundtrack, and fully realized performances. It almost feels like a blend of movies like All the Colours of the Dark or Satan’s Blood crossed with the SpectreVision slate. Probably my favorite fiction film of this year’s Popcorn Frights festival. A stunning must-see!

  • All Jacked Up and Full of Worms

    All Jacked Up and Full of Worms

    This movie made me want to abort myself.

    Even at a brief 71-minute runtime, All Jacked Up and Full of Worms seems interminable.

    The description calls it “arthouse horror cinema” but that really only applies to maybe the last 5-10 minutes - and even though there is some creativity on display during those final minutes, it was nowhere near enough to redeem the whole for me.

    If you want to watch a movie where a Harry Knowles lookalike pleasures himself…