

Favorite films

  • Female Prisoner Scorpion: #701
  • The Cremator
  • The Devils
  • The Addiction

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  • Why Don't You Just Die!


  • Párty Hárd


  • The Mummy


  • Spider-Man


Recent reviews

  • Why Don't You Just Die!

    Why Don't You Just Die!


    To be honest I followed Russian news regarding this movie and was highly disappointed. Sokolov may have made a good first time effort, but it is nothing more than a literal Tarantino rip-off. It is a good try but not a completed film with a clear message and idea.

    Though while Tarantino movies actually do have ideas behind them and use quirky dialogues and ultraviolence to support them, Sokolov just utilizes them for "cool style". I was expecting to movie…

  • Párty Hárd

    Párty Hárd


    Czech rapper makes an American Pie on meth overdose. Though you need to know more about Czech memes to actually enjoy it. But thumbs to Reznik for making literal meme movie just for fun.

Popular reviews

  • Warsaw 44

    Warsaw 44


    If Michael Bay would direct "Come And See"

  • Siegfried



    Freud was right, Germans are indeed stuck in anal stage (of humor development).