

Just a guy who likes movies :). An opinion is always be an opinion (unless it’s mine cause those are facts)

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Perfect Blue
  • Casablanca
  • Seven Samurai

Recent activity

  • Captain America: Brave New World

  • LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers


  • PlayTime


  • Battle Royale


Recent reviews

  • Captain America: Brave New World

    Captain America: Brave New World

    Hoy come Marvel’s VFX still look the same they did in 2016? 
    It just feels like another attempt at repeating the same ideas as before, but somehow a lot more hollow and lifeless.

    There is straight up no more creative ideas or concepts in Marvel anymore. Feige is trying way too hard ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ without realizing it’s been broken for years now.

    A genuine waste of everything, especially of Giancarlo in the MCU. Like come ON.

  • LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers

    LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers


    Peak movie with CGI that still kinda holds up?
    Honestly the gags are funny but its mainly nostalgia while rewatching that makes it peak.

    Still peak tho

Popular reviews

  • Cars 2

    Cars 2


    Look, I get it. Cars is not really a franchise Pixar should be proud of. It’s weird, doesn’t really work and is probably some of the weakest stuff Pixar has done.

    Cars 2 is an abomination. It’s a CAR SPY MOVIE. “Out of the box” and “Jumping the shark” do not do Justice to just how batshit insane the idea this movie plants is. It’s not a good movie, and I won’t deny this. I mean for Gods sake it…

  • Requiem for a Dream

    Requiem for a Dream


    I guess drugs really are that bad, huh? I wouldn’t have imagined that in a million years.

    No joke though, most of the shots Darren goes for in this film work great and the experience is very visceral and gut-wrenching.