

Favorite films

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Star Wars
  • Back to the Future
  • The 'Burbs

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  • Ratatouille


  • Trap


  • Groundhog Day


  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Recent reviews

  • The Long Kiss Goodnight

    The Long Kiss Goodnight



    I unapologetically love Renny Harlin. Please bring back movies shot on film. The addiction to CGI is a bane on modern cinema. Geena Davis is wonderfully funny, hella sexy, and scarily badass. The banter between her and Jackson is snappy and hilarious.

    This is frequently an ugly and cynical movie. But the characters got heart and it's willing to let our heroes get dirty in the process of defending truth and innocence. A violent and thrilling action movie subtly interwoven with some commentary on parenthood and identity.

  • Looker



    A unique blend of giallo, techno-thriller, and satire on 80’s media. “Dynasty” and Cosmo wealth and vanity are taken to task for the manipulation of an all too willing public. TV commercials are a step away from psychological warfare devices. Finney is a plastic surgeon who knows when enough is enough and gets pulled into this bizarro mystery involving near-future digital modeling, robots, mega-corps and high tech firearms. It’s wonderfully nuts.

    The whole thing can’t quite hold up under its…

Popular reviews

  • Big Trouble in Little China

    Big Trouble in Little China


    One of my all time faves. Carpenter in an era when he could do little wrong. Sparse electronic score. Kurt Russell going all-in on the ignorant American yahoo schtick while Dennis Dun kicks ass from here to kingdom come. Fun quotable lines and a big cast of characters you'd love to hang out with. A mystical back-alley universe of mazes, neon chambers, Chinese hells, trapdoors, and monster chambers. Carpenter's direction and Richter's script anticipated the pulply idea influx of the…

  • RoboCop



    So good. A perfect blend of 80's action excess, dark humor, media satire, neo-future, and pathos. Verhoeven outdid himself with this, "Total Recall" & "Starship Troopers". Practical effects and untamed auteur indulgence make for a compelling combination.

    Peter Weller is Murphy. A good man and police officer who winds up a cybernetic corporate pawn. But he fights back against his programming to regain some of his lost humanity. Weller excels in emotional display in spite of bulky tank-like armor and a…