
hüseyin Patron

discovering worlds and the human condition

Favorite films

  • Heat
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Oppenheimer
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

Recent activity

  • Eraserhead


  • Face/Off


  • Tapeface

  • Gladiator II


Pinned reviews

  • There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood


    Aslında tekrardan izlemedim ama kendimi yine bu filmi düşünürken buldum.

    Bu filmin "Oil!" adlı bir romandan uyarlama olduğunun farkındayım, ancak anlatısıyla, olay bolluğuyla ve hikayenin yıllar boyunca bizi farklı noktalara götürmesiyle olsun... There Will Be Blood kitap gibi bir film ya. Beni bu şekilde hissettiren pek fazla film yok.

    Bu film beni ürkütüyor. Bunun sebebi, filmin Daniel karakterini yerin metrelerce altında canla başla, neredeyse başarıya karşı bir kin besleyerek maden arayan bir işçiden; filmin son anlarında intikam için 15 yıl…

  • Oppenheimer



    As riveting as the first time. Visions of a hidden world become a reality in engulfed flames. Innovation manifests itself into literal hell unleashing on earth. What was once an uplifting rhytmic beat that offers a glimpse inside his mind bursting with scientific wonder is now evolved into a haunting foot-tapping that unknowingly celebrates the beginning of the end. The coda with Einstein is the greatest thing Nolan has ever pulled. What a ridiculous, heart-pounding achievement.

Recent reviews

  • Face/Off




  • Tapeface


    this is crazy. as a true crime junkie i'm somewhat desensitized but this one really hit the nerves.

Popular reviews

  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


    with Zack Snyder's live commentary.

    Seeing one of my all time favourite films after a long time while simultaneously listening to its director's livestream commentary on it? This was an incredible experience.

    Seeing so much thought being put into every single frame in a film that is targeted mainly to the average audience still blows my mind. This motion picture is literally crazy, and it's well aware of it. Thank you, Zack Snyder.

  • Zack Snyder's Justice League

    Zack Snyder's Justice League


    This review is spoiler-free, so those who haven't seen the film yet can read this in comfort.

    Where to even begin? At last, the mythical Snyder Cut... I ugly cried (so much); I was shocked; I cheered; I laughed; My jaw was on the floor; I was standing on my sofa at one point... My favourite filmmaker has just come forward with a 4-hour long epic that was deemed to be a myth. The fact that this film exists in…