a cinephile who is trying to leave a mark in the industry

Favorite films

  • Gone Girl
  • Ek Villain
  • Parasite
  • The Favourite

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Emergency


  • The Redemption of Sin


  • Wanita Ahli Neraka


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Had me at the first half as a fresh-satire with Robert Pattinson backing it off in a spectacular performance, but it became quite generic, one-tone and clumsy in its climax. Whether it's from the adapted source or not, something that starts off as humane and layered became so unconvincingly diabolical.

  • Emergency



    For a compilation of Indira Gandhi's reigning moments, this was quite interesting for me who knew very little about it. Indian biopics are also well-known for over-glorifying them, but this one was also brave to call out the faults in Indira's character, complex family relationship and political mistakes. 

    Kangana's performance, which was one of the reasons why I was so excited to watch this for, was a letdown. This is her version of Viola Davis in The First Lady series.…

Popular reviews

  • The Heart of Suhita

    The Heart of Suhita

    the entire premise is about a woman's journey to get laid by her husband. aren't we all tired of a housewife story where the husband doesn't love her and therefore she sacrifices her pride and dignity in order to attain his love?
    oh and there's a scene where the mother-in-law tells her daughter-in-law to hop in the shower with her son because she just really wants to have a grandchild, and she uses a religious context to support her statement.

  • Ipar Adalah Maut

    Ipar Adalah Maut


    Sudah tidak diragukan lagi bahwa selain horror, film yang bertema perselingkuhan tentu menjadi daya tarik penonton yang kuat. Tapi premis film ini bukan hanya memiliki konflik biasa karena perselingkuhan terjadi dengan sang ipar yang menurut aku pribadi sangatlah risky. Tapi Hanung tentunya sutradara dengan jam terbang yang sangat lama dan dia mampu menyuguhkan suatu drama yang AWALNYA sangat menarik.

    Perselingkuhan ini terjadi bukan karena hasrat nafsu sesaat tapi memang adanya bangunan momen-momen kecil yang akhirnya memuncak dan ini sangatlah menarik.…
